Permission To BE
Permission To BE is a podcast created to share the journeys of leaning into authenticity of being. Authenticity encapsulates many things including racism, gender or non-gender identity, mental health, and political leanings which we believe are connected to our spiritual beliefs. Tommy Allgood, Olivia Bethea, and Becka Eppley co-host the Permission To BE Podcast.

Sunday Aug 25, 2019
Fear Casts Out Love w/Rev. Dr. Alexia Salvatierra
Sunday Aug 25, 2019
Sunday Aug 25, 2019
"Rev. Dr. Alexia Salvatierra is a national leader in immigrant justice, co-founder of the New Sanctuary Movement, the Evangelical Immigration Table and M25 (Matthew 25/Mateo 25). She is a Lutheran Pastor with over 40 years of experience in congregational and community ministry, including church-based service and community development programs, congregational and community organizing and legislative advocacy."
Our conversation with Pastor Alexia was deeply impactful and eye-opening. As human beings we need to acknowledge the deep of amount of fear that is currently being fostered towards people seeking asylum in our country. We are created for community, not only in our cities but on a global scale. There is still hope, but we have to choose love over our fears everyday.
Click here to find out more about Rev. Dr. Alexia Salvatierra and for this episode's show notes.
*Please note content may not be appropriate for all ages.

Wednesday Aug 14, 2019
Heart-Centric w/Dr. Mike Watson
Wednesday Aug 14, 2019
Wednesday Aug 14, 2019
"Mike Watson has inspired, engaged, and touched the hearts of thousands of people. Through the development of his heart-centric philosophy Mike has shifted the hearts and minds of a variety of individuals, including high school and college students to CEOs and artists. The heart-centric philosophy is predicated on the intuitive understanding, and scientific support that our heart speaks so as to inform our purpose, in leadership and life."
Join us for this inspiring conversation as we take a deeper look at want to means to live intentionally and with purpose. Mike talks about how each of our lives can be inspiration for those around us when we realize who we truly are, verses who society tells us we should be.
Click here to find out more about Dr. Mike Watson, and for this episode's show notes.

Monday Aug 05, 2019
UnFundamental Parenting w/ Cindy Wang Brandt
Monday Aug 05, 2019
Monday Aug 05, 2019
"I see faith in the irreverent, miracles in the ordinary, and beauty in the margins." -Cindy Wang Brandt
This episode is jammed packed with intriguing conversations from parenting while deconstructing your spiritual beliefs, Purity Culture and more. Cindy Wang Brandt is the author of the recently released book, Parenting Forward: How to Raise Children with Justice, Mercy and Kindness.
In addition to being an author, Cindy also hosts her own podcast, Parenting Forward and is the founder of the hugely popular Facebook Group: Raising Children Unfundamentalist.
Don't Miss out on the upcoming online "Parenting Forward Conference" in September 2019, click here for more information.
Click here to find out more about Cindy Wang Brandt, and for this episode's show notes.

Sunday Jul 28, 2019
Brownicity: Many Hues. One Humanity w/Dr. Lucretia Berry
Sunday Jul 28, 2019
Sunday Jul 28, 2019
Join us for an amazing thought provoking conversation about anti-racism education with Dr. Lucretia Berry.
"Dr. Berry is an anti-racist consultant and educator, the author and facilitator for What LIES Between Us Journal & Guide, and loves to create offerings and content to help meet Brownicity’s goals. She received her Ph.D. in Education (Curriculum & Instruction) from Iowa State University."
"Browncity,an organization Dr. Berry and her husband founded, is family-focused and dedicated to advocacy, education, and support for racial healing and antiracism. Think of Brownicity in a similar way that you would think of green, sustainable living— but instead of addressing choices and systems that are detrimental to nature and the environment, we are overcoming beliefs and systems that are detrimental to our shared humanity."
Click here to find out more about Dr. Berry, Brownicity, and for this episode's show notes.

Monday Jul 22, 2019
She's My Dad w/ Jonathan Williams
Monday Jul 22, 2019
Monday Jul 22, 2019
Join us as we talk with Johnathan Williams and discuss his new book, She's My Dad: A Father's Transition and a Son's Redemption.
"Jonathan is the Lead Pastor of Forefront Church in Brooklyn, New York. He serves on the board of W/ Collective, an organization dedicated to starting progressive Christian Churches. He also serves on the board of Left Hand Church in Longmont, Colorado. He holds an M.Ed from Eastern University in Urban and Multicultural Education.
Jonathan is a popular writer who covers religion and spirituality, current trends, and LGBTQ inclusion and justice. Jonathan has written for the Huffington Post, Faithfully Magazine,The Christian Standard, and more. Jonathan has been featured in The New York Times, The Christian Post, and Rebel Storytellers."
Click here to find out more about Jonathan and for this episode's show notes.

Wednesday Jul 17, 2019
Learning to Be w/ Amy (Congdon) Fong
Wednesday Jul 17, 2019
Wednesday Jul 17, 2019
"We have forgotten who we are, and so we have forgotten how to be." ~ Madeleine L'Engle
"Learning to Be is not easy. There is so much to be said about this process of self-discovery and self-acceptance." Amy describes herself as a bisexual, Chinese American, who is an aspiring writer, mom, wife of a theologian, Episcopalian, Exvangelical, novice therapist, grad student, and lover of stories.
Click here to find out more about Amy and for this episode's show notes.
To find more of Amy's writing click here.

Wednesday Jul 03, 2019
Through the Kaleidoscope w/Dr. Elizabeth Jeffries
Wednesday Jul 03, 2019
Wednesday Jul 03, 2019
"By rejecting our internal knowledge we are drowning out the voice that is telling us where to go." - Elizabeth Jeffries
"As Elizabeth Jeffries deconstructed her conservative evangelical Christian faith, she found herself searching for a way to find meaning in her life, even in the absence of theological certainty. "
"In her upcoming book, Through the Kaleidoscope: How Exploring Cell Biology Transforms My Relationship With God, Elizabeth explores how her laboratory experience in cell biology has formed the foundation of the new sense of meaning she has come to find in life, after the deconstruction of her conservative evangelical Christian faith."
Elizabeth's book releases July 14th! Order your copy by clicking here.
Click here to find out more about Elizabeth and for this episode's show notes.

Wednesday Jun 19, 2019
Queer Theology w/ Kevin Garcia
Wednesday Jun 19, 2019
Wednesday Jun 19, 2019
Kevin Garcia is an author, speaker, podcaster and so much more! Our conversation with Kevin was authentic, full of laughter and truly a gift. Kevin has wisdom and depth that everyone can glean from no matter your gender or how you identify.
Kevin's work has spanned the globe, reaching thousands through their writing, podcast and YouTube channel.
*Also joining us for this episode is guest co-host, Tommy Algood. You can learn more about Tommy by clicking here.
Click here to find out more about Kevin and for this episode's show notes.

Welcome to the Permission To Be Community!
We look forward to growing and evolving with you. In addition to sharing conversations on the Permission To Be Podcast we desire to create spaces to
learn, grow, and practice radical community.